I'm out of danger. Immediately anyways. Heading North. Might wind up heading East in a few months. Take care of my problems here before I go. Fairly certain that if I leave enough of a trail, I'll be found within a day. I pulled the head of one of the hitsquads two days ago, he said that a decent part of the organization I'm hunting is somewhere around here. C, if you see this, and you can get information, could you send me a list of the largest power draws in Ontario? Should give me a pretty good clue of where to hit.
Well, firstly, keep your ideas as to who I am to yourself. Secondly, I'm pretty busy trying to clean up a few...messes. And thirdly, I can try to find info, but due to the major mess that I'm cleaning up, we seem to have lost our access to that info. Well, legal access anyways. ~ C