Friday, November 15, 2013

the old man is back. i never noticed that he has three faces. fuck. i'm slipping already. can't focus that well. around him the realities become one. there's so many, and some of them are so much more beautifyl than this one. maybe he can make this one like one of those  ones. noo he will make it like the one i see. he will make this world a hell. my hell. to burn in forever looking at what i've done. can't let him control me. i'm like a god when he's here though. i can make anything from nothing, bring fire to here with a thought. destroy buildings with a blink. and nothing can touch me. ever, but i can still see the world. it's perfect. i can cleanse the world. NO! stop please. hahahahahahaha. i have to go. have to get away from this place. before i lose myself forever. bye bye, see you all soon hopefuly.

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